Get Involved


Want to help create an abuse-free culture for all?

The Initiative offers an educational and hands-on volunteer and internship program. For more information, contact Emma Martin.

Intake Specialist
Our Intake Specialist volunteer program trains volunteers to complete intakes with prospective clients. You will gain valuable crisis de-escalation experience, and become comfortable providing trauma informed support for clients. Intake Specialists will also learn to use our case management system and gain valuable information about resources in Colorado.

Requirements: Minimum 10 hours per week, with a six month commitment
Victim Advocate
The Victim Advocate volunteer and intern program provides individuals with the tools to provide direct services to our clients. Our Victim Advocates begin by becoming intake specialists, then move forward to provide trauma informed safety planning, advocacy, and crisis counselling, and gain a nuanced understanding of the barriers victims and survivors of abuse with disabilities face. Victim Advocates will take on their own caseloads and have their own clients.

Requirements: Minimum 20 hours per week, with a one year commitment.
Fluid Volunteer Program
Our Fluid Volunteer Program allow our volunteer to utilize their unique skills and qualifications to assist The Initiative. This program offers flexible hours and time commitments, and does not allow for any contact with clients.

For more information, contact Emma Martin.


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